Adult Safeguarding – Practice Level

Supplementary, topic-based learning in Child Safeguarding – Practice Level

Contribution to local safeguarding MDT and peer support. Click on each heading for more detail on the content of the level 3 curriculum in each area, together with participatory and non-participatory learning opportunities:


  • Convening and chairing Adult at Risk MDT meetings
  • Working together with patients and carers


  • Models of Clinical Supervision and Peer Support
  • Feedback culture and support for junior colleagues
  • Recognition when additional support needed
  • Personal impact of Safeguarding on colleagues


  • Personal and practice review of safeguarding practice
  • Audit against national guidance
  • Learning from case reviews, audit, peer review, reflective practice and supervision
  • Training Requirements

Learning Opportunities: Practice Level

Practice ‘Adult at Risk’ Meeting
Read and reflect around cases presented at the practice Adult Safeguarding meeting to enhance learning.  Record anonymised versions of any important ‘professional conversations’ which have shaped your learning.
Complete an Audit Cycle of an Area of Safeguarding Practice
Present results at a practice meeting and disseminate around practice. Examples might include:
– Audit of whether clinicians are recording parental responsibility in consultations
– Audit of ‘triad of safeguarding concern’ – Domestic violence, Substance misuse and Mental Health. Are these patients with safeguarding vulnerabilities on your Adult Safeguarding radar?
Attend a Significant Event Meeting on a Case Linked to Adult Safeguarding
Reflect on the case, including changes to practice and personal learning.


Supporting Effective Clinical Supervision
Read and reflect upon research around educational and clinical supervision.