The Head of Safeguarding and Integrated Front Door of the MASH, Jenny Goodes, will describe the process and rationale of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

This will explain what happens when you make a referral to Childrens Social Care, and why sometimes it gets declined. You will hear what the decision making processes are and how the agencies in the MASH work together to get a timely outcome for children at potential risk of significant harm.

Welcome and Introduction 5 minutes
Social Care in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough - including - Structure, Model of Intervention and Role of Early Help Services 10 minutes
Volume of Contacts 5 minutes
Effective Support for Children and Families (Threshold Document) including Principles, Consent and Level of Intervention 10 minutes
The journey of a referral - customer service centre, pathway guidance and importance of quality/clarity 10 minutes
Where does a referral land and who does what, Early Help Centre (Green), Referral (Amber), Assessment Service (Pink or Red) 10 minutes
Strategy Meetings - purpose, who attends and outcomes 10 minutes
Activity in groups/ feedback on Decision Making 15 minutes
Plenary - Questions 15 minutes