This interactive day, made up of four sessions, explains the significance of excellent customer care, why first impressions count and how to deal with patients effectively. We will include reference to current legislation such as the 7 core principles of the NHS and, the need for forging and maintaining positive relationships with all service users.


  1. Understand individual and collaborative responsibilities in relation to customer care
  2. Understand why good customer care is essential and how it is linked to the 7 core principles of the NHS
  3. Understand how positive working relationships can lead to improved patient experiences
  4. Learn why effective communication matters and how it works, including telephone skills
  5. Gain an understanding of the importance of active listening and body language skills
  6. Understand the effects of communication barriers and how they can be overcome
  7. Gain an understanding of how to combat biases and how to deal with challenging people successfully
  8. Understand the need for building resilience and solving problems using a strategic skill set

Session Times

9 to 10.30am
11 to 12.30pm
1.30 to 3pm
3.30 to 5pm