Please be aware that this session will be recorded and shared on our Resource page for colleagues to view.

To facilitate protected learning time, this live webinar and Q&A session, will be accompanied by a discussion guide for practices to use on the day to support local action planning, and a set of links to online resources to provide further information and tools.


‘Cradle to grave’ safeguarding in primary care can be a complex web of risk assessment (often without all the puzzle pieces), attempts to balance patient autonomy complicated by questions around capacity and consent, and efforts to maintain continuity of care in the face of workload pressures and the tsunami of post-pandemic safeguarding need. Yet safeguarding remains everyone’s responsibility across team.

The training will constitute 3 hours of participatory Level 3 training provided practices take part in the webinar and the group learning resources. The content is drawn from the Intercollegiate Documents 2018 / 2019 Level 3 curriculum and will be presented so it is accessible to both clinical and non clinical members of the practice team.

This peer-led webinar will be facilitated by Dr Liz Woodroffe, Safeguarding Lead at Lensfield Medical Practice. It will be aimed at all members of the Primary Care Team (clinical and non-clinical) and will examine the inputs, processes and outputs of Primary Care safeguarding systems. Through case-based learning, we will consider how we can harness the strengths of our Primary Care MDT. A 60 minute interactive zoom webinar will form the basis of the learning, before practices have the option to use the peer learning and resources within their own practice teams to apply the learning through pre-prepared, primary care case studies.


The discussion guide and links to online resources, information and tools are available to download via this page.

Speaker Profile

Dr Liz Woodroffe is Safeguarding Lead at Lensfield Medical Practice.