This is a 3½ hour training session specifically designed for those with responsibility for the administration of the NHS Pension for Officer Members (ie, General Practice staff excluding Doctors).

You may actually carry out the administration yourself, or you may outsource it, but the practice still retains full accountability for ensuring that all aspects of the pension are carried out according to the regulations. Failure to follow the correct procedures will result in staff receiving incorrect benefits and can lead to the practice being fined, barred from access to the scheme or (in extreme cases) legal action. Therefore, it is vital that every General Practice has a thorough understanding and is therefore able to carry out its legal responsibilities correctly.

This is an interactive session, and you will be sent some materials in advance to read, print and have available on the day. You will also be provided with copies of the presentation slides, along with a substantial number of handouts, after the training.

Nothing covered during the training will constitute financial advice and as administrators of the scheme you are not allowed to offer such advice to members.

The session will include:

  • NHS Pension Overview
  • Principle differences between the schemes
  • Employer responsibilities (including end of year reporting)
  • Recent and known future changes to the NHS Pension (inc flexible retirement)
  • Pension administration basics (including common errors)
  • How to stay up to date with current administration rules
  • How to effectively monitor the scheme (whether in-house or outsourced)