Target audience
We’re looking for people whose role requires them to work with others across traditional boundaries (team, profession, organisation) to find new and improved ways of working together for the benefit of our residents.
Leading Beyond Boundaries is delivered in partnership with CoCreate and is a system leadership programme, designed to equip you with the skills, relationships, networks and mindsets to build meaningful collaboration and support the shift towards a more integrated approach to health and care across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
This collaborative approach is critical to support our ambition of becoming a thriving Integrated Care System.
Leading Beyond Boundaries is an experiential leadership programme which aims to:
- Develop individual and collective capacity for system leadership – skills, tools, mindset, knowledge, confidence.
- Build networks – break down barriers, build trust, relationships and peer support – both within and across cohorts.
- Support cultural change, moving from competition to co-operation and from organisation first, to system first.
- Make progress on live system issues.
- Mobilise this group as a community of influential change agents for the system.
Leading Beyond Boundaries is a cross system, cross hierarchical leadership programme. As such…
- We’re keen to see applications from colleagues in the voluntary and community sector, Local Councils, Fire, Police and Prison Services, Education, and other important partners such as the NHS.
- You may be at any level in your organisation, but your role requires you to operate across traditional boundaries – of organisation, profession, role, geography – to improve outcomes for local residents.
We know that organisations flourish and new ideas come when we embrace diversity. We also know that particular groups are under-represented in senior leadership positions and therefore especially encourage people from under-represented backgrounds to join the programme.