
Registered nurses, associate practitioners and health care assistants who have completed the 2-day Leg Ulcer Course.


  • To enable the student to acquire evidence based, up to date knowledge and skills in prevention and management of chronic oedema and associated conditions
  • To ensure a standardised approach to chronic oedema management

Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • To understand the function of the lymphatic and vascular system
  • To define what constitutes chronic oedema and lymphoedema
  • Apply the principles of holistic assessment and understand doppler ABPI results to inform clinical findings to draw up a care plan and when is safe to apply reduced compression pre-doppler, using local treatment pathways
  • To understand what treatments are available in the management of chronic oedema
  • Be aware of and apply different strategies to prevent recurrence of chronic oedema including using hosiery and recognise the importance of patient aftercare.
  • Understand the benefits of Health Coaching for your patients with chronic oedema
  • To understand your new treatment pathways: Pre-Doppler, Post Doppler and Maintenance/ Prevention and care plan FLECS

Competence to be achieved

  • You will bring 1 patient on your current caseload to discuss with the group and develop a new treatment plan to manage their chronic oedema and any associated conditions using the new treatment pathways and FLECS care plan
  • Discussion and workbook case studies to be completed during the time allocated on the study days
  • Supervisors with experience and knowledge in chronic oedema to support the student in their work environment to achieve competency in assessment and management, compression practice for patients with chronic oedema
  • Competency document to fill in and signed by supervisor and student