If you support others to get online and use the NHS App, join us and NHS England for this online training session on 28th June, 2023, on Zoom at 5pm.

Members of the NHS App team will explain developments in the App, how to make the most of the App, and how you can support others to use the app. We’ll also discuss online access to primary care. There will be time for questions.

This hour-long session will suit people who:

  • Support patients to use digital tools to manage their health
  • Are digital champions in their communities
  • Work in digital health hubs
  • Work in health and social care in England and support patients to access healthcare.

The event will focus on the NHS App, but may reference other digital tools used in primary care.

The event is free but as it’s a training session, places are limited.


  • Rachel Power – Chief Executive, the Patients Association
  • Patrick Johnson – Implementation Lead, Digital Experience. NHS England
  • Paul Wastell – Senior Communications and Engagement Lead, Primary Care Group, NHS England


  • 5pm – Welcome and intros
  • 5.02pm – NHS App overview and demo
  • 5.15pm – Questions
  • 5.30pm – Beating the 8am rush – online access to GP services
  • 5.40pm – Questions
  • 6pm close