This education session is being delivered as part of the GP Fellowship Education Programme and is open to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough GPs who are enrolled on the GP Fellowship Scheme, or who are within their first 5 years of practice.

Dr Neil Modha is a Peterborough GP who helps lead a practice – Thistlemoor Medical Centre – caring for a challenged and deprived population in inner city Peterborough, where approximately 80% of the contacts are with a group of patients that don’t speak English as their first langugae. The Practice has grown from 7,500 patients to 30,000 patients during his time in the Practice.

He will talk through the approaches taken at Practice level, by working together as a Primary Care Network and also in his role as GP federation Chair for Greater Peterborough Network. He hopes this will inspire the Fellows/First 5 group to think through what is possible and how different patient groups need different solutions.

Dr Modha will also discuss aspects of Leadership and Practice Management.

Learning objectives:

  • The diversity of populations with the Peterborough area
  • Thinking through the needs of these different populations
  • Consider approaches to care provision tailored to Thistlemoor Medical Centre’s population and how this might be applied to the populations that you care for.
  • Overview of leadership and practice management


This session will take place via Zoom. After booking, you will receive joining instructions approximately 24 hours before the event.

Speaker Profile

Dr Neil Modha is a GP from the Peterborough area. He has been a GP for 14 years and has worked in his GP role alongside other management and leadership roles.

He led Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG for 4 years which helped him gather an understanding of commissioning and then focussed on provision – at GP federation level bringing together practices around Greater Peterborough (in Greater Peterborough Network). He also holds positions on the provider based boards – and Co-chairs the North Place in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG.

His wife is a GP and he has two children aged 7 and 3 which help keep him busy!