Join us for an interesting & informative 1hr webinar on Mindfulness hosted by the Staff Support Hub.

About this event

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICS Staff Support Hub is pleased to present “Introduction to Mindfulness”, part of our series of wellbeing webinars. Other topics include managing stress, sleep for wellbeing, sleep for shift workers and post-Covid support.

This one hour webinar will introduce you to a number of mindfulness and self compassion practices. It will be interactive with time for discussion and sharing of feedback to enable learning from the group.

The aim is to provide a safe and enjoyable experience to experience mindfulness practices to see if you would then be interested in learning more. Signposting to other resources and discussion of what other forms of support and events the hub could provide will also be available.

Mindfulness is a form of meditation practice that can be useful for managing stress and enhancing wellbeing. It is not a form of relaxation, although some practices may help with calming and settling the mind and body. Mindfulness is an active form of self care. Self compassion is a way of thinking about and caring for your own wellbeing that is about recognising the challenges and suffering we can all experience and how to manage this in a way that reduces the risk of burnout.

A handout will be provided to all participants after the event.

The event will be run by a counselling psychologist who is a member of the CPFT staff support service.

This session is open to all those working in health, social care, the voluntary sector or not-for-profit sector in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

For more information about the Staff Support Hub and the support we offer, take a look at our website: