Adult Safeguarding – Personal Level

Supplementary, topic-based learning in Adult Safeguarding – Personal Level

Incorporating Recognition, Assessment, Communication, Documentation and Actioning of Suspected Abuse.

Click on each heading below for more detail on the content of the level 3 curriculum in each area, and scroll down for a list of current recommended learning opportunities.


  • Risk assessment
  • Issues surrounding suspicion of adult abuse, harm and neglect
  • Identification of possible signs of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect using a person centred approach
  • Associated medical conditions, mental health needs, learning/intellectual disabilities, substance misuse and domestic abuse increasing risk
  • Effects of carer behaviour and family factors
  • Inclusivity and Diversity in the workplace
  • Adults at risk with caring responsibilities



  • Familiarity of assessment frameworks of risk and harm locally and nationally
  • MCA and DOLS – Assessment of capacity and best interest decision-making
  • notion of proportionality, recognising that unforeseen events occur and people can take risks and make unwise decisions.
  • Lasting Power of Attorney
  • Forensic procedures relevant to primary care
  • Appropriate escalation of concerns
  • Clear documentation of concerns


  • Effective communication with adults at risk particular those with mental capacity issues, learning disability or communication need
  • Supporting adults, esp those lacking capacity or with communication need, in decision making
  • Confidentiality and consent
  • Duty of candour
  • Data protection act 1998
  • GDPR
  • Information sharing and Caldicott Principles


  • Multidisciplinary approach to safeguarding adults and young people
  • co-ordination of protection planning, resolution and recovery – as appropriate to safeguarding concern.
  • Local Area Designated Officer
  • Escalation
  • Voluntary Sector Support for adults and sign-posting
  • Coding in Primary Care

Learning Opportunities: Personal Level

LSCB Seminars on Supplementary Safeguarding Topics
Hoarding and Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Adults and the Mental Capacity Act
Self-Neglect and Safeguarding Adults at Risk
Working Together to Safeguard Adults
An Introduction to Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse: Using DASH to Risk Assess the Situation
Coercive Control
Domestic Abuse and Young People
Domestic Abuse and Adults
Impact of Parental Substance Misuse
Substance Use Awareness and Trends
Modern Slavery: Working Together to Identify and Support Victims
Working with Gypsy Traveller Families
MCA/DOLS Training
Excellent local face-to-face training delivered by arrangement in GP practices.
MCA/DoLS Learning and Development Manager: / Tel: 07584 490 240.
Caldicott-Guardian Training
Training Hub. 2 hour live webinar
Information Governance Training
Training Hub.  2 hour live webinar
Free Suicide Mitigation Training for GPs and Primary Care Staff
CPSL Mind, Free Training for GP practices. 2 x 1.5 hour sessions led within practices. Contact
Effective Medical Chaperoning
GP Training Hub Live Webinar. 1 hr 45 mins.


eLFH Modules:
– Adolescent Health – including confidentiality, consent, legal frameworks and safeguarding.
– Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
– Mental Capacity Act
– Chaperones and Consent (Sexual Health)
– Sexual Assault (Medico-legal issues)
– Data security awareness
PREVENT eLFH Modules x 3
Basic, level 3 and mental health (2.5hrs, very good)
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence E-Learning Modules
2 local, e-learning modules from Cambridge Domestic Violence Partnership. 60 mins total.
Domestic Violence and Older People
A range of informative webinars and learning resources to reflect upon.
Coercive Control: A Lived Experience
Ryan and Luke Hart
Awareness of Forced Marriage e-Learning
Free online training resource run by Foreign Office.
RCGP e-Learning Modules:
EKU18 – Alcohol Use disorders
EKU2017.1: Clinical management and treatment of opioid use disorder
EK2019:2 – Decision making and Mental Capacity
Safeguarding Adults at risk of harm
Safeguarding Adults at risk of radicalisation
Better transitions: improving young people’s transfer from paediatric to adult services
The older LGBT Patient
FGM e-Learning(free)
Home Office, 30 mins, need to register
Virtual College. 1 hour. Need to register.
Mental Capacity Webinar and Adult Safeguarding Webinar
John Binding – Head of Adult Safeguarding – London Borough of Hackney
Watch and reflect upon changes to practice
Capacity, DOLS and Deprivation of Liberty Webinars
3 Helpful Pre-recorded Webinars from legal perspective recorded in 2020 during Covid-19 pandemic Each webinar is 18-25mins long.
Reflection template may be helpful.
Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) – what are they?
The Liberty Protection Safeguards were planned to come into force in April 2022 but are no longer due to be brought in during this parliament.  Further information regarding the differences between DOLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) and LPS.
MCA e-learning – SCIE
Social Work e-learning package. 2 hours.
MCA / DOLS e-Learning (MPS)
Free to members or non-members.
Consent Training MDDUS (for Members only)
‘Good practice in consent for GPs’
Making Safeguarding Personal
Read and reflect including MSP Toolkit
Covert Medication Guidance
Read and reflect upon this important guidance and it’s impact especially on care home residents.
DNACPR Guidance – updated December 2022
Guidance regarding DNACPR decisions.  Updated for the post-covid era.
Attorney Health and Welfare – support for relatives
Useful guidance for someone who has been appointed as Attorney Health and Welfare for another person.
Decisional vs Executive Capacity
‘Talking the talk’ vs ‘walking the walk’ – difference between having the capacity to MAKE a decision vs having capacity to CARRY IT OUT. Recent article written by James Codling.
NHS Guideline on safe video consulting (Sept 2020)
Resolving Professional Differences (Escalation Policy)
It is the responsibility of all professionals to be assertive and to present a respectful challenge to the actions and decisions of other agencies where they believe there is evidence to suggest that the adult at risk’s safety or development may be compromised.  Here is the local guidance.


(Page last updated: April 2023)