The content of this meeting is intended for the following roles only: Pharmacists, Practice Nurses, HCAs, GPs, Advanced Care Practitioners Payors and Commissioners, Hospital Doctors and Nurses Specialist Nurses, Podiatrists, Dietitians

This educational meeting by AstraZeneca and will contain promotional content.

This is aimed at professionals who are new to managing Diabetes and may complement the e-learning available via CDEP.

Register once for all six modules in the series

12:30 Introduction Pete Smith, AstraZeneca
12:45 Obstacles en route. Inc: co-morbidities and complications of Type 2 Diabetes Julie Widdowson, Diabetes Specialist Nurse (Norfolk)
13:45 Discussion Julie Widdowson
14:00 Close

For any questions, please contact Peter Smith – 07801 857094 Email: