Want expert support to innovate, shape services and strengthen your leadership?

We are offering General Practice Nurses and Advanced Nurse Practitioners in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough the opportunity to take part in CARE – a practical development programme that empowers participants to drive innovation, strengthen relationships and develop a bottom-up, population health approach to care.  The programme supports Nurses in General Practice to build self-awareness and resilience, which in turn will help to unlock new and exciting innovation and improved system leadership.

CARE is practical, flexible and accessible.  Projects can be considered part of the day job (i.e. relevant to the here and now such as delivery of COVID vaccination).

Nurses have reported that participating in the programme has improved their job satisfaction and their emotional wellbeing, that they felt their voice was being heard more and that they felt able to put ideas into practice and make a positive difference in improving the health of their populations.

CARE is commissioned and sponsored by NHS England and the NHS Improvement General Practice Nursing 10-Point Plan Programme.

Time commitment:  2-hours per week for 8 weeks, plus a launch (14th May).

Programme Topics & Dates

Webinar topic Date Time
Co-design / launch 14th May 09:30-11:30
Time to Think 26th May 09:30-11:30
Setting up a project to improve the health of the local population 02nd June 09:30-11:30
Building and leading a team 09th June 09:30-11:30
Leading and influencing the system 16th June 09:30-11:30
ShinyMind: First stage – Authenticity and mindset – Step into Self 29th June 09:30-11:30
ShinyMind: Second stage - Responsibility - Step Up 06th July 09:30-11:30
ShinyMind: Third Stage – Relationships - Step Change 13th July 09:30-11:30
ShinyMind: Fourth stage – Empowerment - Step Out 21st July 09:30-11:30
Celebration and review event 30th July 09:30-11:30

How to book

  • Click Express Interest
  • You will then receive the Application Form and Learning Contract
  • Return this to us
  • We will then book you onto the course


If you have any questions, please contact candptraininghub@nhs.net