Discrimination and racism within the NHS and health inequalities within our society have always existed but the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on ethnic minority NHS workers and communities has brought these under a spotlight.

The first section of the meeting will consist of talks from invited speakers followed by a ’round table’ where there will be a discussion among the speakers and regional CEOs and chairs of NHS organisations regarding what should be done to reduce health inequalities, and to ensure that all colleagues have similar opportunities to reach their potential within the NHS. At the end of the ’round table’ it is hoped that there will be some practical recommendations for NHS organisations to help introduce meaningful change.

09:00 Welcome
09:05 ‘Social justice and health equity’ Professor Sir Michael G. Marmot
09:30 ‘Race inequalities and the medical profession- what needs to change?' Dr Chaand Nagpaul
09:55 ‘From data to action: the future of the WRES’ Professor Anton Emmanuel
10:20 ‘Translating ethnic inequalities in health into action. The challenges and opportunities’ Professor Rao Mala
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 'Workforce priorities and the NHS People Plan' Ms Prerana Isaar
11:20 'HOW the NHS can do better not WHY. Those who don't know never will' Mr Roger Kline
11:40 ‘Does racism exists in NHS? – a view from frontline’ Mr S A Aftab
12:00 Round Table
13:10 Closing Remarks

Speakers will be joined by the following for the ‘Round Table’:

  • Professsor Stephen Eames. Chair Humber Coast & Vale Health and Care Partnership
  • Mr Martin Barkley. Chief Executive The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Mr Peter Reading. Chief Executive Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust & Co-Chair of the Disabled NHS Directors Network (DNDN)
  • Mr Jagtar Singh OBE. Chief Executive Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust