Part of the Leading Together Festival run by CPFT:

Webinar Description

The human brain is wired to avoid uncertainty, loss of control, threat and isolation, yet these are precisely the feelings the pandemic forced upon everyone. Please join us for a discussion with Cristina Escallon to:

  1. Explore, acknowledge and make sense of what we have been through
  2. Understand what happens in the brain
  3. Resource and reframe our perspective in a helpful way
  4. Explore ‘hacks’ to manage through future uncertain times

Cristina Escallon is an expert in leadership development and transformation. She lectures on neuroscience and leadership at LBS and previously INSEAD, is a senior advisor to Ashoka a senior affiliate with Aberkyn/McKinsey and Eden McCallum.She brings a rational, creative and intuitive approach to her work by using neuroscience to explore emotions and team dynamics.