Part of the Leading Together Festival run by CPFT:

Webinar Description

Research demonstrates that leaders that train and adopt a coaching style report that they increase ownership and self-belief in their team members by giving choice wherever possible and providing a good balance of support and challenge. This change in leadership style often reduces stress in their teams, who feel more in control, and for the leader who no longer feels under pressure to solve all the problems and provide all the answers.

According to a survey by The Conference Board, organisations whose leaders adopt a coaching approach develop and promote more leaders from within and are more likely to have a pipeline of talent to fill roles immediately. They found that companies no longer view coaching as just a perk for their top layer of management but want their broader employee population to benefit from a coaching style of leadership.

In addition, Bersin by Deloitte reported, ‘Organisations with senior leaders who coach effectively and frequently, improve their results by 21% as compared to those who never coach.’

In summary, organisations that develop their leaders’ coaching skills experience consistently higher levels of employee productivity and engagement and enjoy improved performance. A defining quality of a Leader-as-Coach is their ability to develop the conditions for team members to perform. However, relatively few managers and leaders fully understand how to use coaching most powerfully within their role, and our Leader as Coach masterclass aims to address this.

By the end of this session with Damion Wonforyou will:

  • Identify personal and organisational barriers to using coaching skills and overcome these.
  • Understand your current leadership and conversational style.
  • Learn how to structure and facilitate effective development and performance conversations using a coaching style.