What will this webinar cover?

This 60-minute webinar will showcase the Mental Health digital playbook and the range of digital solutions which have shown how technology can help solve common challenges in the delivery of mental health services.

This webinar explores:

  • the role and benefits of digital technology in delivering better MSK pathways
  • experiences from those who have implemented digital into MSK services, the successes and challenges
  • the wider range of digital tools covered in the playbook via an interactive discussion
  • future opportunities for expansion of this dynamic digital resource to improve patient care.


  1. Inform clinicians across all communities, as well as supporting managers, about the digital playbook and the learning contained within it
  2. Promote awareness about the playbook and peer recommendation
  3. Support mental health team professionals, providers and commissioners to transform services for better patient safety and experience


Chairs: Dr Adrian James (President, RCPsych),  Lisa Hollins (NHSX), Dr Lia Ali (NHSX)

  1. Background/ national context – Dr Adrian James, Lisa Hollins, Dr Lia A li RCPsych/NHSX
  2. Beth programme: Online platform for virtual working with patients and carers supports self-management and more personalised care – Dr Barbara Arroyo, Consultant Psychiatrist and interim Chief Clinical Information Officer (iCCIO) South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM)
  3. MaST: Management and Supervision Tool for community mental health services – Adam Drage, Clinical Service Lead (Step Forward/Primary Care Mental Health),  Community Excellence Programme Lead, Caroline Gadd, Director, Holmusk, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust,  Holmusk
  4. System wide digital transformation at Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust – Mike Jones, Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer and Clinical Safety Officer Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust