The Primary Care Women’s Health Forum Annual Conference will be virtual in 2022.

The PCWHF Annual Conference brings together leading names to improve your practice in women’s health.

Key topics include:

  • Adolescent Gynaecology
  • Perinatal Mental Health
  • Ovarian Reserve and Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
  • Women’s Health Hubs
  • Contraception
  • Menopause

Our speakers, including Dr Anne Connolly MBE, Dr Diana Mansour, Dr Alison Richardson and Dr Aamena Salar, will look at the evidence on a variety of women’s health issues, and translate this into practical guidance and useful tips for your own practice.

Workshops will be delivered by Tracey Elliott, Dr Toni Hazell, Dr Sarah Gray, Dr Louise Price, Dr Hannah Short and Dr Jane Davis.

The virtual event, for primary care clinicians, will be delivered through a mixture of live sessions and small group workshops by experts in the field who are either delivering services in primary care, or working closely with those who do.

There will be an opportunity to network with colleagues virtually and earn CPD points.

If you can’t attend on the day, we will be keeping the platform open for eight weeks after the event to give you time to watch at your leisure. All presentations will be available on demand to watch in this period.

This event is intended for UK healthcare professionals only.

It is the intention of the Primary Care Women’s Health Forum to have exhibitors from the pharmaceutical industry in attendance at this virtual conference, they will take virtual exhibition stands in the Exhibitor area. Their details will be added to this page between now and the event date of 3 February. Please check back regularly to inform yourself of the pharmaceutical companies that will be in attendance.