
Registered nurses, associate practitioners, and health care assistants.


  • To enable the student to acquire evidence base, up to date knowledge and skills in prevention and management of leg ulcers and associated conditions
  • To ensure a standardised approach to leg ulcer management

Learning outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the physiopathology and social factors associated with leg ulcers
  • Apply the principles of holistic assessment and understand doppler ABPI results to inform clinical findings and to draw up a care plan
  • Demonstrate an understanding and basic competence in applying compression bandaging and hosiery
  • Be aware of and apply different strategies to prevent recurrence of leg ulcers including hosiery and recognise the importance of patient aftercare

Competence to be achieved

  • PP sessions: pathophysiology of leg ulcers including brief session on chronic oedema, epidemiology, assessment and management of leg ulcers, art and science of bandaging, concept of “TIMERS” and brief session on dressings, recurrence and skin diseases associated with leg ulcers
  • Discussion and workbook to be completed during the time allocated on the study days
  • Supervisors with experience and knowledge in leg ulcers to support the student in their work environment to achieve competency in assessment and management, compression practice and use of dopplers for patients with leg ulcers
  • Competency document to fill in and to be signed by supervisor and student