Kenny Gibson hosts two powerful sessions, the confirmed presenters are Gill Cobham & Colette O’Neill (session one), and Dr Suzanne Smith (session two).

Session one: 12.00 – 12.30pm – NHS Case study: Online Abuse

Session two: 12.30 – 1.00pm – Implementation of the Disclosure and Barring Service


Colette O’Neill

Colette O’Neill qualified as a RNMH in 1990. My first and still most impactful role was as a Volunteer Nurse with the Nursing Standard in Romania. I currently work in the Wiltshire locality of BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group. I’m a Designated Professional for Safeguarding Adults. In between, I have stepped in and out of the NHS, moving between community healthcare and Local Authorities with a ten year period running a small business and a number of roles in education. I’m currently doing my MSc Safeguarding at Birmingham City University.

Gill Cobham

Is the Adult Safeguarding, Mental Capacity Act, Domestic Abuse Learning Disability Lead Nurse. Gill has been in post for 12 years, prior to that she has 22 years Emergency Nursing experience.

Dr Suzanne Smith

Dr Suzanne Smith has specialised in safeguarding for 30 years. A registered nurse and health visitor, most of her career has been with the NHS apart from 5 years at the University of Huddersfield where she completed her PhD. In 2017 Suzanne joined the DBS where she is now Executive Director of Barring and Safeguarding and is leading a programme of quality improvement and change delivered as part of a vibrant and ambitious delivery plan.