For Cambridgeshire and Peterborough GPs within their first 5 years of practice.

This evening we’ll be joined by Dr Jenny Huguet who will be sharing with you all the things she wishes she’d known as a GP trying hard to do a good job for dying patients.


Speaker Bio:

Many years ago when deciding on careers I struggled to choose between palliative medicine and general practice. The idea of working in hospital with young kids in tow put me off the former! 20 years on I was a GP partner, great job but utterly exhausting. Arthur Rank was looking for weekend locums and had moved to the village. What a revelation! I was really lucky that they were looking for permanent GPs to act as middle grades and I got one of the two jobs. It’s a fantastic place to work! I still keep my hand in doing GP locums at Bridge Street.


Bookings for this event will close at 5pm on Thursday 10th Feb.