Across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough we achieve good outcomes for measuring our patients with type 2 diabetes (8 care processes) but we do not perform well with our outcomes (3 Treatment Targets) and as a region we are requires improvement on the CCG Improvement and Assessment Framework.
It is an exciting time locally for diabetes. We have an active Diabetes and Obesity Clinical Community who are working with local clinicians to create a diabetes strategy which includes a focus on prevention; looking at standardising pathways such as the pathways for Pre-diabetes and newly diagnosed Type 2 patients; focusing on workforce development; and looking at evaluation to ensure we are able to effectively monitor our progress to determine that the changes we make are having a positive impact.
Within workforce development we are really excited to be able to offer fully funded places on the University of Essex Advanced Management of Diabetes module and Pharmacological Management of Diabetes – Initiating Therapy and Optimising Control module at either level 6 or 7. These places are open to any clinical profession working with Diabetes patients in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough.
The course will provide a range of learning opportunities, offering a mixture of taught sessions, shadow sessions within the specialist clinical areas and self-directed learning. Practitioners will build on current skills and knowledge to improve confidence to enable them to deliver safe, effective healthcare.
This module is offered at Level 6 (Undergraduate) or Level 7 (Postgraduate) for 15 credits. The level chosen will depend upon your previous academic experience and your role within the workplace. Please discuss this with your academic supervisor to determine which level would be most appropriate for you.