Have you ever had the feeling that one day you’re going to be found out? Symptoms include self-doubt, questioning your performance, nagging fear, sabotaging your own success, talking yourself down and general lack of self-confidence.

If so, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Most people experience episodes of ‘imposter syndrome’. We simply call it ‘being human’.

At Art of Brilliance, we have a very simple philosophy – everyone is an amazing person, capable of incredible things. We’re all superheroes pretending to be normal! The one thing that consistently stops us shining is ourselves.

This webinar teaches you how to get out of your own way. The key is to understand how the human operating system works and to then use it to your advantage. As your self-confidence grows, you are able to step out of the shadows and into the light. Bottom line, the world needs you at your best and this webinar shows you how.

The benefits will be felt at work and home.

Topics covered include:

  • Harnessing your inner voice
  • Understanding your Monkey Mind
  • Building self-confidence
  • The dangers of perfectionism
  • Creating a brand-new future self

This webinar will be facilitated by Jonathan Peach

About Jonathan: Jonathan’s calling was always to support people in achieving their true potential. He has a passion to help people achieve their dreams and believes that the only person stopping them from doing this is themselves. He now spends most of his time partnering individuals, teams, teenagers, teachers, sportsmen and women, using a mix of coaching, training, NLP and facilitation. In short, he rids people of limiting beliefs and helps people get out of their own way! Jonathan co-wrote ‘Leadership the Multiplier Effect’ with Andy Cope and Mike Martin.

Webinar Session:
• You will need a webcam and a headset to fully participate.
• The computer will need to have the sound function on so you can hear and speak at the webinar.
• You will need to be connected to the internet for the duration of the webinar.
• We will send an email with details of instructions for the day to all participants, prior to the date.
• Please note: this webinar may be recorded.