Improving access to health and social care for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people.

Bespoke session developed to meet the needs of NHS, local authority and care staff. This includes voluntary sector staff working in a frontline role.

  • Learn about the rich histories and diverse cultures of each community
  • The health inequalities and barriers to services they face
  • And the practical steps you can take to make care more inclusive.

The session will be co-delivered by Friends, Families and Travellers and Roma Support Group — two national charities that work to support these communities.

Members from both the Gypsy Traveller and Roma communities will be included in the training delivery.

About the training

These interactive sessions are open to NHS, social care and local authority staff working in a front line role.

They will explore what can be done to improve access to services for these communities.

This training is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.