Staff have given us feedback on how to improve the transition into roles in Primary Care.  In response, we have developed a virtual induction programme for anyone new to Primary Care.

The aim is to support your local Practice induction by providing a consistent and comprehensive introduction to working in Primary Care.  Our intention is to run this induction programme monthly.

Who is it for?

Any staff new to Primary Care  (intended for staff who have started very recently but it may be beneficial to some staff who have been in post a few months)


The programme includes:

  • Introduction to Primary Care
  • How the Training Hub supports you – booking training, funding, meet the team
  • Keeping up-to-date – national & county communications
  • Getting started with SystmOne / EMIS
  • Understanding Pensions
  • Resilience, Wellbeing & Psychological Safety
  • Introduction to Personalised Care, Patient Activation & Supported Self Management
  • Let’s Talk about Mental Illness – an introduction
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • PHE – Physical Activity
  • Infection Control


The programme will be run live via Zoom and MSTeams.

Feedback from previous Induction Programmes:

100% of attendees said they felt more knowledgeable and prepared to start their new roles. Feedback/comments received:

  • I have found today so useful
  • All really excellent – and so needed.
  • In all honestly it was so much better than I expected – so incredibly useful. I’m very impressed.
  • It was jam packed with information
  • Thoroughly enjoyed it thank you so much!