Welcome to the Training Hub

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Training Hub (CPTH) provides training, education and workforce support across Cambridgeshire.

CPTH started early in 2018 and is hosted by the Greater Peterborough Network – a GP Federation of practices in the Greater Peterborough area.

We are passionate about ensuring the survival and evolution of General Practice to meet the needs of the NHS and strongly believe that both Training and Education play an important role.

If you would like to contact any member of the team please either email us on candptraininghub@nhs.net or telephone 01733 666670 option 2.

Portrait photo of Hub Manager Jo Oldfield

Jo Oldfield

Training Hub Manager

Katie Keller

GP & CPTH Clinical Lead

Kathryn Caley

Nurse & AHP Lead

Our Aim

To attract, develop and support our Primary Care workforce of today and tomorrow, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to meet the health needs of our population.

Our Vision

To be the one stop shop for information, support, development and education for the primary care workforce in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.

Our Objectives

  • Facilitate education and training
  • Support workforce planning
  • Develop multi-professional learning environments
  • Coordinate training placements
  • Embed ‘new roles’
  • Promote General Practice as a career destination

Our Core Values

  • Embedded in General Practice
  • Listening & Responsive
  • Compassionate & Kind
  • Flexible & Adaptable
  • Sustainable
  • Collaborative

What are Training Hubs and How Do They Work?

Watch the reel below, and you can also find out more about Training Hubs on the HEE website here

The NHS People Promise

The NHS is an extraordinary, world-class service – thanks to every single one of us who contributes to it. Our service, training, skills and commitment are admired across the world. Together we have achieved the extraordinary – and together we continue to do so – and we should all feel proud of this. We want our culture to be positive, compassionate, and inclusive – and we all have our part to play.

The NHS People Promise

Find out more about the NHS People Promise in the documents below.

NHS People Promise (summary)

NHS People Promise (full read)