About this event
An interactive workshop designed to equip supervisors, leaders, managers at all levels to have good quality health and wellbeing conversations. A must for anyone who does clinical, educational or managerial supervision!
Regular, supportive health and wellbeing conversations are an essential tool in helping to create cultures where people feel heard and valued, enabling us to pass care and compassion to each other, our service users and families. This workshop will help you to feel confident in having these conversations with your team.
Places are limited to 20 per session. Please ensure that you can commit the time to attend the session that you book onto. Various dates in June and July are planned; please check Eventbrite to choose the session that suits you, and cancel your place as soon as possible if your plans change.
These sessions offer a “how to” guide with practical tools that you can use to have health and wellbeing conversations in your workplace. They are designed for anyone who does clinical, educational or managerial supervision or offers support to staff or colleagues. This may include (but is not limited to) supervisors, managers, leaders, health and wellbeing champions, preceptors.
The event will be run by members of the ICS Staff Support service.
This session is open to those working in health, social care, the voluntary sector or not-for-profit sector in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
For more information about the Staff Support Hub and the support we offer, take a look at our website: www.staffsupporthub.org.