Here you will find links to useful resources, details of local training groups to support you as well as news on peer support groups to guide you if you are in your first year as an Educator.
Where we can help you as an approved Educator
New Educator Support
Are you a newly qualified T2 or T3 Educator in your first year? The Training Hub are here to help!
If you need some support in your new supervisor role, we will be running peer support sessions as an opportunity for you to share your experiences and get advice on topics you want to discuss and need support on. Email us at for more information.
Local Trainer Groups:
Cambridge: contact
Peterborough: contact and
West Cambs: contact and
Help in managing your learners
We have gathered links to some useful resources to help guide you with your learners visit HEE for advice on various concerns that could arise, or download this guide to help you manage trainees in difficulty.
Educator Training and Development
See below for useful resources.
Fourteen Fish
Fourteen Fish are no longer accepting support requests via email. If you do need support, please complete the request form linked below
Request Form
Educator Development Events
HEE run various webinars and videos, click the button for details on what is currently available.
More Details
Bystander Training
As part of their Anti-racism strategy, Primary Care School have commissioned 12 Active Bystander Training workshops, facilitated by the Active Bystander Training Company. For more information.
Book Here
Top up Training Videos for GP Educational Supervisors
This video resource provides an overview of the differences between a first contact practitioner and an advanced practitioner and also explains what masters level practice is and how it is evidenced in a portfolio. The video also provides additional information for GP trainers to understand how best to support allied health professionals moving into primary care at masters level of practice.
Watch Here
Resources for Educators
An excellent channel of videos for e-portfolio for educators from Fourteen Fish.
Visit Channel
CPD / ESR Payments & Debrief Times- Talking Heads Video
The first in a series with Janet Rutherford, Primary Care Dean and Sally Derrick, Head of School for General practice.