
Time Item Speaker
18:45 Welcome, Registration and Hot Buffet Jayne Reed, Chiesi Ltd
19:25 Introduction Thomas Nash, Chiesi Ltd
19:30 Hot Topics in Respiratory Medicine Dr Rob Buttery, Hinchingbrooke (North West Anglia Trust) Hospital, Huntingdon and Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge
20:30 Q&A Session Dr Rob Buttery
21:00 Meeting Close Thomas Nash


Dr Buttery qualified from Cambridge and Oxford University in 1992 and undertook junior doctor training in Oxford, then in Cambridge, before moving to Edinburgh to complete his specialist training in respiratory medicine. Whilst there he developed an interest in lung cancer.

Based in Papworth, his role is focussed on the diagnosis and management of lung cancer and malignant mesothelioma, including endobronchial treatment.

Dr Buttery is also a busy respiratory and general physician at Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Huntingdon, and his other areas of interest cover more general respiratory conditions: diagnostics and management of asthma, COPD/emphysema and bronchiectasis.

A meeting organised and funded by Chiesi Limited. For UK practising healthcare professionals only. This meeting will contain promotional content.