Adult Safeguarding

21 November 2022 – 25 November 2022 – 12noon to 1pm each day

NHS Safeguarding are pleased to invite you to a week to effect change. We have fabulous speakers who will be presenting on Adult Safeguarding. Anyone can join, so feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues and friends.

Please join us on the safeguarding FutureNHS workspace. No registration required.

Date Topic Speakers
Monday 21 November 2022

Host: Cathy Sheehan
Join on the day link here


·       Scams targeting the vulnerable


Professor Keith Brown
Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Network
Tuesday 22 November 2022

Host: Catherine Randall

Join on the day link here


·       Self-Neglect


·       Hoarding


David Harling

National Deputy Director for Learning Disability Nursing

Donna Bentley
National Fire Chief Council Strategic Lead Safeguarding

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Host: Becs Reynolds

Join on the day link here


·       FGM


·       Forced marriage


·       Virginity Testing and



Dr Sharon Dixon
Dr Bryony Kendall
Named GP for SafeguardingDonna Love
Safeguarding Programme Manager
Thursday 24 November 2022

Host: Cathy Sheehan

Join on the day link here

·       Priorities of the work of a social worker

·       New ways of working between social care and ICB/ICP

·       Improving safeguarding for adults together


Lyn Romeo

Chief Social Worker for Adults, England

Friday 25 November 2022

Host: Kenny Gibson

Join on the day link here


·       Mental Capacity Act (MCA)


·       Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)


Nikki Sidgwick
Transforming Care Resettlement Hub Case ManagerChelle Farnan
Liberty Protection Safeguards Clinical Lead