About this event
This course is facilitated by the Affinity Connect and is promoted by the ICS Staff Support Hub, for all those working in health, social care, the voluntary sector or not-for-profit sector in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
Is it time to plan for your retirement?
Keeping your retirement plans on track can be a challenging task. This planning for retirement course encourages a positive and realistic approach to help you make informed choices about your retirement plans.
This course is aimed at any employee, regardless of grade considering retirement or for those who have just started thinking about retirement plans.
Objectives of the session:
- Explore changes in lifestyles
- Identify where income is expected to come from and how it is taxed differently in retirement
- Understand the State Pension and different types of workplace pensions
- Learn about the risks and reward involved in savings and investments
- Discover why increased life expectancy escalates the dangers of inflation and how to combat it
- Find out how to ensure your estate is passed to your intended beneficiaries
- Understand Inheritance Tax
- Understand the next steps and where to receive further guidance and regulated financial advice
For more information about the Staff Support Hub and the support we offer, take a look at our website: www.staffsupporthub.org.
Affinity Connect is a trading name of Affinity Connect Limited and is a member of the Wealth at Work group of companies. Registered in England and Wales No. 04256854. Registered office: 5 Temple Square, Temple Street, Liverpool L2 5RH. Telephone calls may be recorded and monitored for training and record-keeping purposes