A full day of simulated practice at managing paediatric emergencies. Work as part of a team alongside your colleagues in our high-fidelity simulation suite – exactly as you do in real life!
Suitable for paediatricians, paediatric nurses, A&E doctors and nurses, recovery nurses, critical care doctors and nurses, anaesthetists and operating department practitioners (ODPs).


  • high-fidelity paediatric scenarios commonly encountered in the DGH
  • delegates perform in their own roles as part of a multidisciplinary team
  • structured debrief on both clinical and human factors, highlighting effective team skills
  • SCAMPS is about learning, not assessment.

SCAMPS addresses the Department of Health’s recommendation that all personnel involved in the care of the critically sick child in the district general hospital are able to:

  • recognise the critically sick or injured child
  • initiate appropriate immediate treatment
  • work as part of a team
  • maintain and enhance skills
  • be aware of issues around safeguarding children
  • communicate effectively with children and carer

SCAMPS is facilitated by senior paediatric nurses, paediatricians, ODPs and consultant anaesthetists from Broomfield and Southend hospitals.

Course Director: Dr Joseph Hussey.

SCAMPS is approved by the Royal College of Anaesthetists for five CPD credits

Suitable for paediatricians, paediatric nurses, A&E doctors and nurses, recovery nurses, critical care doctors and nurses, anaesthetists and operating department practitioners (ODPs).


Anaesthetists, Paediatricians/Doctors, etc. £150 (a number of Anaesthetist places on each delivery are funded by Health Education England – on a first-come-first-served basis)
Nurses, ODPs £50