
Please note this training is only for people who either live or work within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

For the health and wellbeing of the instructors and all attendees, if possible, please can you take a lateral flow test either the night before or on the morning of the course.

What is MECC training?

MECC is about reflecting on the conversations we have to ensure we make the most of every opportunity to engage in a healthy conversation. This course enables people to make the most of the opportunistic moments that can make a difference to people’s health and wellbeing.

By supporting people to make changes to their lifestyles it is possible to prevent ill health, improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities

What is the structure of the training?

The course runs over two half day (3 hour) sessions; on two separate days. To acquire the full accreditation both sessions and the online module will need to be completed.

If you have any queries please email us at;

Please note that this event is from an external source. The information was correct when added to the website.