Thoughts and Tips on Self-care and Resilience: How can we achieve some balance as GPs under pressure

As we are all too well-aware, the NHS is under unprecedented pressure and GP teams are at the frontline with escalating demand and a shrinking funding and workforce.

Our March KiT session will explore the impact of the pressures on us as GPs and how to identify and reduce the risk of burnout. It will aim to address some of these important issues, sharing practical tips, strategies and resources that can help both individuals and teams.

Keep in Touch (KiT) sessions are aimed at Cambridgeshire & Peterborough GPs who may be feeling out of the loop. Designed for any GP not in regular everyday practice, whether due to maternity, sick leave, or other circumstances which leave you feeling out of touch. Do come and join us for peer support, and discussion around relevant topics.


This event will take place via zoom, you will find the zoom link in your booking confirmation email.