Migraine represents a significant public health concern, affecting approximately 1 in 7 people, with higher prevalence in women. As general practitioners, understanding the intricacies of migraine is essential for effective patient management. The complex nature of migraines, including their pathophysiology and the varied experiences of patients, necessitates a well-rounded approach to diagnosis and treatment. This free webinar series aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of GPs in managing migraines within the primary care setting, referring appropriately, reducing burden on secondary care, and ultimately improving patient outcomes and quality of life.

By the end of this webinar series, participants will be equipped with a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of migraine management, enabling them to provide effective care to their patients in a primary care setting.

Learning objectives:

  • Examine the intersection between migraines and other primary headaches
  • Identify the relationship between migraines and stroke/transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
  • Tailor migraine management for specific populations
  • Integrate learning into clinical practice


Dr Bashar Shatta, RCGP Faculty Education Lead for East Anglia


Dr David Kernick, GPwER in headache and previous RCGP headache champion

Dr Rebecca Walker, GP specialising in menopause care, headache medicine & migraine



To register for part 1 of this webinar series, visit Migraine management in primary care | Part 1

Financial support was provided as a Medical Education Grant from Pfizer International LLC. Pfizer have provided only financial support and have no input into the content provided.