Why attend?
The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy: Getting the Balance Right Programme aims to support local systems and primary care to identify patients at potential risk of harm and support better conversations about medicines by promoting shared decision making.
Join us to hear from Parkinson specialists about problematic polypharmacy in people with Parkinson’s Disease. Increase your understanding of Parkinson’s Disease and how to improve prescribing for this group of patients.
What will be covered?
- Parkinson’s disease, the basics
- Parkinson’s and Polypharmacy – red flag medicines, medicines to think about carefully, when specialists need to be involved
- Parkinson’s in care home patients
- Case study learning.
Our Guest Speakers are Karen Kite, Lead Clinical Pharmacist at Solihull Rural PCN and Dr Robin Fackrell, Consultant Physician & Specialist in Parkinson’s Disease and related disorders at Royal United Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
The masterclass will also include a Q&A session.
Who should attend?
Our Polypharmacy Masterclass Series is open to GPs, Pharmacists, Nurse prescribers and other interested health professionals.
This webinar will be held on Zoom from 12pm-1.30pm.
Got a question? If you have a question about this event contact us at: healthinnowest.polypharmacyprogramme@nhs.net