Event Overview

One Day Essentials are full-day online clinical conferences, available free-of-charge to all RCGP members, offering a minimum of 126 hours of CPD per year. All conferences are broadcast live and all session recordings and presentation slides are available to access from RCGP eLearning for up to nine months after the conference (we endeavour to upload content as quickly as possible after the conference, but it typically takes one to two weeks).

Please only register for one ticket type ticket upon booking. You are able to register for the live event which will also give you access to the REWIND page once this is available. If you are not able to attend live and would just like access to the recordings, please select the REWIND ticket at registration.

Join us for a One Day Essentials conference on the medical needs of our patients with a learning disability. The national learning disability mortality review programme ‘learning from lives and deaths – LeDeR’ has shone a light on the huge health inequalities experienced by this population. This course will cover a variety of topics aiming to help GPs support the health needs and complexity of their patients with a learning disability.

Topics include:

  • Down syndrome – including the issues need to be covered in a down syndrome annual health check and reference to the Down Syndrome Act
  • Audiology – hearing problems – assessment and management in adults with a learning disability
  • Communication in the GP consultation – inclusive consultations: what works for people with a learning disability
  • Obstructive sleep apnoea and its importance in learning disability
  • Family carer perspective
  • Constipation and its importance for morbidity and mortality in adults with a learning disability
  • Implementing the Mental Capacity Act and making best interest decisions for adults with a learning disability in primary care
  • Advance care planning/Daffodil standards/Victoria and Stuart project

Learning objectives:

  • To develop understanding of the health inequalities revealed by the learning disability mortality review programme LeDeR
  • To hear the voice of people with a learning disability and their family carers and the importance of making reasonable adjustments to improve access to care
  • To consider how to identify people with a learning disability, and to manage high quality care of that population including by the annual health check
  • To support GPs in considering how to implement the Mental Capacity Act when caring for people with a learning disability
  • To develop understanding of the multimorbidity experienced by this population and the consequent need for care planning
  • To gain a greater understanding of the wider MDT supporting the care of people with a learning disability


RCGP member: free

Non RCGP member: £195