Join us for two half-days filled with brief lectures and engaging speakers.

By the end of this series, participants should feel more confident in their ability to identify people at the end of life and approach advance care planning. Participants should feel greater confidence to manage common symptoms and issues for patients towards the end of their life and undertake anticipatory prescribing. They should understand the nuances of providing care in unique settings like prisons, and how a palliative approach can support those with frailty and dementia.

Learning objectives:

  • Management of common symptoms
  • Recognition of common palliative care emergencies and their management.
  • Palliative care in unique settings
  • Frailty and dementia

Webinar Chair 

Dr Emma Salik, GP, Faculty Education Lead, RCGP Beds and Herts


AiT – £50

Member – £75

Non-member – £100

Delegates must sign up to both sessions separately.

Palliative Care – Part 2 | Wednesday 21 May 2025, 12:30 – 16:30 | Sign up here