As we are not currently able to deliver face to face training, we have designed the updates to be delivered in a series of short webinars, each being 1.5 hours.
All immunisers will need to attend webinars 1 AND 2.
Only those offering the routine childhood immunisations will need to attend webinar 3.
Webinar 1 will cover the medicines management type content required in the annual update – consent, PGDs/PSDs, cold chain, safe and appropriate administration of vaccines etc
Webinar 2 will cover the adult vaccines – flu (*), pneumococcal, shingles, pertussis for pregnant women and tetanus
Webinar 3 will cover childhood vaccines
*We are aware that some HCAs and NPs give nasal flu vaccine but no other childhood vaccines so we will cover BOTH adult and childhood flu vaccines in webinar 2.
Webinar 3
- Review of the current childhood immunisation schedule and any changes to schedules
- Managing off-schedule childhood immunisations or those with unknown immunisation status
- Issues in childhood vaccination due to COVID-19 restrictions
- Dealing with parental concerns
- Q & A session