DFSRH Training Scheme

Information on submitting an expression of interest for the next Cohort can be found below.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Training Hub is delighted to be working with Dr Emily Gwinnell to deliver an FSRH endorsed training scheme to general practice clinicians with an interest and service need for the Diploma for the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (DFSRH). This programme is supported by a team of experienced local faculty registered trainers.

There will be an opportunity to complete letters of competence training following the completion of the DFSRH, please note letters of competence stand alone training is not offered at this time. There are opportunities to access DFSRH as a funded programme, the specific eligibility criteria can be found below under funded programme options.

Diploma process explained

  • be registered with a UK or Irish professional regulatory body and if you are a doctor, have a license to practice
  • be able to give an intramuscular injection (self-certification)
  • be able to give a subcutaneous injection (self-certification)
  • be able to perform a speculum examination (can be self certified if part of one of the below groups; Registered Doctor, Registered Physician Associate, Registered Midwife, Registered Nurse who is a current qualified cervical sample taker, Registered Nurse who holds the FSRH LoC IUT. For healthcare professionals outside these groups, you will need have this skill verified by any member of the 5 healthcare professional groups mentioned above or by a Faculty Registered Trainer (FRT))
  • Be up to date with basic life support and anaphylaxis training

The programme offered by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is registered with FSRH. Once we have received your expression of interest, we will invite you to an interview with our Training Programme Director (TPD) providing you meet the above entry requirements. Following a successful interview,  you will be sent a ‘Learner Agreement’ document to be completed and signed by you as the trainee, and by your practice to indicate how they will support you through your qualification.

Once we have received your Learner Agreement, you will need to pay a non refundable fee via the FSRH website for your e-portfolio. More detail on submitting your application and the current fee can be found on their website here. Once you have registered with FSRH, please email your registration date to us at candptraininghub@nhs.net, as this is this start of the 2 year timescale in which you will need to complete all the training.

Video explaining the diploma journey

*For applications to our programme, the first step is to submit an expression of interest rather than find a trainer via the map.

Watch Here

Completion and recertification

You can find out more about what commitments the FSRH will uphold and what the FSRH will ask of candidates who are training under the DFSRH programme in the DFSRH 2020 Learner Charter

There is an annual cost for diplomate membership which can be found on the FSRH website. You will need to recertify every 5 years; please click here to read more about the recertification process.

Funded programme options

We have funded places available through the Training Hub on the DFSRH training scheme for clinicians wanting to complete their DFSRH within the next 12 months. Please note: places will be allocated  with consideration for the current number of trained staff in the area.


What will we provide?

  • Up to 20 hours of FRT time
  • 1 funded place for a local Assessment Half Day (AHD)
  • Reimbursement for certification cost


What do we ask of you?

  • A local clinician who has been working in general practice for at least 1 year, working at least 3 sessions a week in general practice in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (GPs and Nurses), seeing contraception patients independently in your own practice
  • Depending on your experience, you may need support from a mentor in your own practice
  • Have access to relevant patients for DFSRH
  • Meet entry requirements as stipulated by FSRH above
  • That you understand this programme is predominantly self-directed learning and will require you to commit to 30-40 hours of independent study in your own time
  • It is our requirement to pass the Online Theory Assessment within the first 6 months of commencing the programme
  • A commitment to complete the agreed training within 12 months of planned start date.
  • You are fully supported by your practice/nominated practice


How do I register my interest?

Please submit the short expression of interest funding form below and we will be in touch with next steps.



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FSRH Diploma Journey


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