This offer for Care Coordinators funded by the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme. 

This course covers the core competencies in the new NHSE development framework for care coordinators, as well as appreciating the different ways that the role is being used across the country. We set up an approach, skills and mindset we think people need to flourish in their role and have impact in the NHS.

We will introduce coaching and communication skills, setting the foundations for further in-depth health coaching training.

Objectives of the Programme and what to expect

Participants in this programme will feel confident, from day 1, to start practising coaching skills as they apply to the key competencies of Personalised Care, Relationships, Communication and Continuous Learning. After day 2, they will be skilled to work well as part of the multi-professional team, which has the patient at the centre.

We believe in the power of peer support. There will be ample opportunity for participants to share their own experience of what is working well to support and build a community of best practice.

The 2-Day Care Coordinator Programme Overview

The role of ‘Care Coordinator’ has been used in many ways since its introduction, with many starting their roles in the COVID pandemic. The NHSE Care Co-ordinator development framework has more clearly defined the role and identified specific competencies for practitioners in these key positions in patient care. Our PCI accredited 2-day programme, has been designed specifically to meet these new expectations and set our colleagues up for success.

Who is suitable for this programme?

This 2-day programme has been designed for Care Co-ordinators and would be ideal for those starting out in this role. It would also be useful for those Care Co-ordinators who have already undertaken our 2-day Tailored Health Coaching programme and would like some valuable CPD, that is more specific to their role.

Day 1 Learning (09.30-16.30)

  • Establish thinking environment and coaching mindset as core features of all 4 core competencies
  • Gain confidence in techniques for connecting and communicating well
  • Appreciate how to maximise impact by tailoring support to people’s skills knowledge and confidence, and what matter most to them
  • Develop an understanding of multi-morbidity and complex health and social situations and the value of care co-ordination

Day 2 Learning (09.30-16.30)

  • Build understanding of a range of roles in health care and how to work as effective teams
  • Focus specifically on personalised care roles, aims and impactful collaboration
  • Maintaining high quality communication with patients and colleagues
  • Introduce the personalised care and support plan, and how to support people in developing one
  • Continuous learning and creating and enjoying a job you love

Please note that places are limited on this course and whilst funded, the cost is £396 per delegate. If you can no longer attend, please cancel your place with 2 weeks notice to avoid being charged for the place.