‘Reception’ and ‘Administration’ are often roles that vary from practice to practice and as such there is not a one-size fits all approach.  It is recommended that relevant and useful sections are taken on board, this will vary from practice to practice.

It can work well for a manager or reception representative to have the session and cascade the selected areas to the team if it is not appropriate or feasible that the whole team attend the session.

Our 1 hour Reception and Administration training session includes;

Reception and Admin template – we recommend adding this template to the Organisational Tool Bar so all Admin staff have access to the template as the below sections are all included in this template.

Recording face-to-face/telephone encounters in the Journal.

Patient contact details – updating name/address/telephone details, text/email consents and SystmOnline details.

Communication needs – coding vision, hearing and communication needs.

Care team and relationships – adding other organisations and relationships that are involved with the patient i.e. social worker.

Abuse and behaviour – coding challenging behaviour in the record and any subsequent actions taken.

Reports and Certificates – coding requests for solicitor/insurance/health reports.  Printing the reports.

Med3 & Letters – view previous Med3s. Respond to organisations such as schools, housing/benefits requests.

Registrations – print blank patient questionnaires. Input information from the registrations questionnaire i.e. alcohol, smoking, family history etc.

Ambulance and transport – record ambulance/transport bookings and reference numbers.

Med3 Requests – completing the MED3 Request template and sending a message to the Clinician to make them aware of length of illness, patients condition and occupation.

Death documentation – record death details, send death notifications and set the date of death/deduct the patient.

Chaperone – allows the Chaperone to record their own entry against their smartcard in the patient’s record i.e. skin examination, undressed when present, no concerns.

Notes summarising – assist summarisers with adding codes, vaccinations and manage major/minor conditions.

Lab & radiology results – add abnormal numeric values phoned in by the lab and alert the GP of the abnormal result.

Referral Forms –  If applicable we will cover 2WW forms, rapid access, prior approvals, local community forms and BMA contract letters.

For video guidance please click on the following link.