In this workshop series, managers and supervisors will discover how to notice suffering in their team and start conversations safely. Through a straight-forward four-step process, attendees will learn how to :

  1. Notice suffering in their colleagues
  2. Identify and overcome the barriers to engaging team members
  3. Cultivate empathy for their distress
  4. Respond appropriately and effectively to alleviate their concerns


There are two sessions in the series, of two hours duration each.

  • Session One: How to notice suffering in the workplace and start conversations with your staff.
  • Session Two: How to overcome barriers to compassion, build empathy and alleviate suffering.


There is an expectations that those who register for the training will participate in both sessions.


The NHS People Plan sets out the ambition that every member of the NHS should have a health and wellbeing conversation with their line manager or a peer, and that as part of this conversation, line managers will be expected to discuss an individual’s health and wellbeing, and any flexible working requirements, as well as equality, diversity and inclusion. Those who participate in this training will not need to attend similar training by NHS England.


Training will be held via MS Teams in the first instance, and delegates will need to commit to attending the full session.  We are keen to encourage that colleagues are able to dedicate suitable time to this programme to emphasise the importance of supporting their own wellbeing, and that of each other.  All discussions in the group will remain confidential and no personal stories will be shared outside the training session.

Please note colleagues who have completed the national REACT Mental Health conversations training programme do not need to attend this programme as well as a lot of the skills and learning will be similar