Have you ever been in a situation where you want to challenge someone’s behaviour – but you didn’t know how to do it or what to say?
As part of their Anti-racism strategy, Primary Care School have commissioned 12 x 90 min Active Bystander Training workshops, facilitated by the Active Bystander Training Company.
The sessions aim to help Primary Care Colleagues across the region to challenge poor behaviours which may have become normalised over time. The session includes self-coaching techniques to help you keep a cool head when you’re faced with a challenging situation – and assertive language devices which you can use to make sure your voice is heard if you want to raise a concern.
Dr Janet Rutherford, Primary Care Dean, says: “I am pleased to support the Active Bystander initiative across Primary Care in the East of England. It intertwines the NHS Values and Constitution with the overarching vision for the East of England Primary Care School. By providing insight into what it means to be an active Bystander, we aim to ensure that all Learners within Primary Care feel that they are working within a psychologically safe environment and, that everybody, from Learners to Educators, feels confident in appropriately challenging unwanted, and inappropriate behaviour. As a School, we see this initiative as part of our journey to creating the working culture that we strive for and will help us to gain traction as one of the best regions in the country for General Practice Specialty Training and other wider workforce roles”
Once you have completed the booking form please remember to:
- Download the receipt
- Add the event to your diary
There are 40 places available on each session.
*Please join the waiting list if the event is full. If you are unfortunate enough to remain on the waiting list at the time of the event, you will be given priority booking for future events.
If you have any questions, or are required to relinquish your place, please email primarycare.eoe@hee.nhs.uk