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We’re delighted to welcome you to this year’s Training Hub Conference. We are showcasing some of the incredible work that is happening in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to tackle the underlying social determinants of health and reduce healthcare inequalities. Our ambition is to create thinking time, spark conversation, inspire ideas for action and highlight services and resources that are available to support your practice and local community. We hope you will have plenty of time to network with colleagues and share your own tips for making a difference.
The conference is open to those working in a clinical role within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough general practice.
Jessica Randall-Carrick works as a GP in Peterborough and Co-ordinates the Deep End Network across C&P and the East of England region. Jessica is passionate about improving the health & wellbeing of those in the most challenging socio-economic circumstances and seeks to connect with others to collaborate and advocate for such individuals & communities. She seeks to ensure that systems and processes ensure good quality, equitable, person-centred clinical care. https://www.deependeastofengland.co.uk/
Dr Nighat is a GP specialising in women’s health, family planning and menopause care with over 16 years of experience in the NHS and she runs her own private practice. She is the resident Doctor on BBC Breakfast and ITV This Morning. She is a health content creator working with YouTube Health and the WHO Fides programme. Dr Nighat is the Ambassador for Wellbeing of Women and the recipient of the 2023 Prime Ministers ‘Point of Light’ Award in recognition of her work of raising awareness of Women’s Health issues in the UK. Dr Nighat was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from City University, London for Science and Public Health.
In 2024 she was awarded the Fellowship Honoris Causa from the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists (FRCOG) by Professor Dame Lesley Regan, Ambassador for the Women’s Health Strategy in England in recognition for her exceptional contribution to Womens Health upon her formation of The Health Collective, mapping marginalised grassroots organisations delivering care in their communities
Dr Nighat is the author of her debut bestseller book ‘The Knowledge. Your guide to female health from Menstruation to the Menopause”. It is an illustrated, inclusive book for all things Women’s Health covering her extensive clinical work and has been featured in HELLO!, The Times, GOOD Housekeeping and British Vogue.
Graduated from Sri Lanka in 2014. Moved to the UK in 2019 and has been working as a middle grade neurosurgical clinical fellow in Glasgow before started GP training in West Cambridgeshire. Special interest in-dermatological conditions in skin of colour and Musculoskelatal medicine.
Detective Chief Inspector Neil Sloan is based at Cambridgeshire Constabulary Police headquarters within the force Intelligence and Specialist Crime Department. DCI Sloan is a nationally accredited PIP3 Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) specialising in Serious Organised Crime (SOC) investigations. DCI Sloan is the force tactical lead for responding to the county wide SOC threat and chairs a number of partnership forums under the SOC FUSION workstream.
Dr Ferguson is a GP at a deprived ‘Deepend’ surgery in Cambridge. He is Associate Director at the Population Health IT company Eclipse, and is the East of England Lead for NHS Genomic Medicine in primary care. Before re-training as a GP, Dr Ferguson worked as scientist in the field of paediatric neurology. He has a keen interest in using data to shine a light on health inequalities, enabling a preventative approach to disease management, and designing healthcare systems that enable the NHS to take a risk-based approach to patient care.
Libby Swannell-Bell is the Coordinator for the Cambridgeshire Shared Lives DASV Project. This project is the first of its kind nationally, using the Shared Lives model of adult social care to address the unique needs of a survivor of domestic abuse with a learning disability. Before her current role, she worked as an IDVA in Norfolk managing a team which supported women and children who had experienced abuse through one-on-one support, group work and safe accommodation. Libby is passionate about uplifting the voices of survivors, raising awareness of the complex nature of domestic abuse and the impactful role frontline professionals can have.
Dr Tanya Blumenfeld’s interest in Inclusion Health in the UK started 14 years ago while working as a single-handed GP serving a large population of Irish Travellers and Gypsies. Disparities in health and a paucity of evidence led her do comparative analyses to the rest of the patient population. Insight into health inequities was augmented by training and working previously in Africa and Canada. Her advocacy for this group of patients includes teaching, publishing and presenting. Tanya was featured in The Lancet Alma-Ata 40th Anniversary edition. She currently works as a Portfolio GP and Research Officer at the University of Essex, and is involved in an NIHR RfPB project on GRT access to health care.
I joined Sue Ryder as the Head of Health Inclusion and Equity in January 2024. From serving as a Chief Executive to leading national operations, my roles have centred on driving change in Health, Drugs and Alcohol, Criminal Justice, Women’s services, Children and young people, Child Sexual Exploitation, informing national policy and championing equity, diversity and inclusion.
Giving life to community projects, locally and internationally. 15 years’ experience working with youth and adults at risk of social exclusion and community development in Poland, Armenia and United Kingdom. Passionate about the role of dialogue in braking down barriers, addressing health inequalities through community collaboration and collective learning.
Ruth is a GP at Boroughbury Medical Centre, passionate about reducing health inequalities and making services available and accessible to those who need it the most and are most marginalized by society. Firm believer in practicing medicine with compassion, kindness and dignity. Ruth has previously worked as a police and prison doctor and now runs outreach clinics to the homeless population in Peterborough, and leads the Wildflowers project and Homeless Health Hub. Ruth also has an interest in herbal medicine and has worked in the refugee camps in Calais
Homeless Health Outreach Service Lead at GPN. After 15 years as a probation officer I decided to leave when prison life became a sentence in itself. Whilst taking some time out I discovered a job supporting chronically excluded adults in Peterborough which included the homeless. I then became the Rough Sleeper Outreach officer in the city and met Dr Beesley. Since then, my passion for advocating and supporting this group of people has just grown.
The PNA role exists to support nurses who face challenging and increased workloads through providing restorative clinical supervision and support for workforce development and quality improvement. The Training Hub offers PNA support to any nurses working in General Practice across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough