Why attend?

CVD prevention – maximising opportunities around lipid management

With the number of people dying prematurely from cardiovascular disease (CVD) on the rise for the first time in 50 years, there has never been a more important time to address the risk this population faces. *CVD is the most common cause of death in the UK equating to one death every four minutes. High cholesterol/lipids is a significant risk factor for developing heart and circulatory diseases. Having high levels of lipids can dramatically increase a person’s risk of serious health problems. It is recognised that there is inadequate optimisation of lipids in high and very high-risk patients. To help, the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) has developed a NICE-endorsed lipid management pathway that aims to support the optimisation of hypercholesterolemia and the primary and secondary prevention of CVD.

The aim of the event is to upskill the local workforce to enable improved management and optimisation of people’s cholesterol via application of the lipid management pathway.

Who is the event for: local health care professionals with any level of experiences working in CVD/lipids including: GPs, nurses, pharmacists, healthcare assistants and more.
