This web workshop is for NHS staff who are Practice or Admin Managers in Primary care who want to improve their operational delivery.


This web workshop focuses on ‘coaching for performance’ – and will develop the skills needed to understand and develop the capability and capacity in the practice. Through the introduction of a variety of coaching tools and techniques, this session will develop the core skills of questioning and listening and using powerful questions to support people in achieving their best outcomes. Delegates will gain an understanding of the skills, principles and practice of effective management coaching and mentoring.

Learning outcomes

  • Understanding the purpose of coaching and mentoring within an organisational context
  • Understanding the skills, behaviours, attitudes, beliefs and values of an effective coach or mentor
  • Understanding the role of contracting and the process to effectively coach or mentor
  • Understanding the principles of effective coaching or mentoring in practice and how to evaluate benefit


During the programme we will be practicing coaching one another.  It is difficult to ‘role play’ a coaching session in a virtual environment.  But come to the sessions having identified some areas where you would like to receive some coaching/help with thinking things through.  Here are some ideas of the type of situation you might identify.  You will need to feel comfortable sharing the issue with your coach and an observer – and to facilitate this we contract about confidentiality at the start of the coaching web workshop programme:

  • A difficult relationship at work
  • A project or a task where you feel stuck
  • A career decision you need to make – or an issue about your career which you would like to explore
  • A task you have been dreading
  • A piece of difficult feedback you need to give to someone
  • Someone who works for you who you have not quite fathomed out – or who you have a more challenging relationship with
  • Reflecting on why a process/procedure is not working very well
  • A difficulty or dilemma which you face at home
  • Something you feel demotivated about

Guidance notes and will be provided to support this workshop and certificates of attendance are awarded after the workshop.


What is Coaching?

  • The different ‘helping’ approaches
  • Group – sharing experiences of coaching or being coached
  • What are the benefits to individuals and to managers?
  • Directive and non-directive coaching

The Principles of Coaching and the Coaching Relationship

  • The Coaching Relationship
  • Exploring the quality and type of relationships you need to coach effectively

How people learn

  • Introduction to learning styles – building on Kolb model
  • Coaching styles and techniques to support learning
  • The staircase of learning and the comfort/learning/panic zone model.

Defining coaching skills:

  • What knowledge is required by the coach?
  • What the coach needs to believe and feel?
  • What actions should an effective coach take?
  • Communication
  • Building Rapport
  • Listening
  • Introduction of the GROW model.


Coaching tools and techniques to help

Creating a toolkit of models/tools to help become an effective coach.

  • Learning styles
  • Comfort/panic zones
  • Johari window
  • 4 e’s feedback model
  • The Iceberg Model
  • CIA model and scaling


Colin Murray

Colin specialises in individual and team coaching with a passion for leadership assessment and development. He brings over two decades of blue-chip operational experience, MSc level coaching expertise and extensive knowledge of the NHS across both Primary and Secondary care.

With a mixture of skill, curiosity, intuition and humour Colin’s ability as a coach and facilitator is to help you get straight to heart of the real challenge and is always focused on helping you reach the best possible outcome for you and your organisation.

Colin has worked with individuals and teams at all levels of organisations across the commercial and NHS sectors. Recent assignment includes facilitating improvement for over 450 medical practices, navigating change with over 30 CCG’s, helping junior doctors to coach and teach medical skills to students and working with over 150 Barclays directors explore behavioural leadership capability across India and USA.

Colin holds Post graduate advanced coaching certification, ILM level 7 coaching and mentoring, Hogan leadership assessment and development accreditation and has been an Infant school governor for over 5 years.

Please note that your name and email address will be passed to the supplier, so that they can send you joining instructions and any feedback surveys.