Event Overview

Patients often consult GPs about sleep problems – daytime sleepiness may be the first hint that a patient has sleep apnoea, or the presentation may be of insomnia, which can be difficult to manage. This webinar will be divided into two sections – the first will focus on obstructive sleep apnoea, looking at the primary care approach through the lens of the new NICE guidance on this subject. We will then move on to a discussion of the sleepless patient and how we can help in primary care.

Webinar Chair and Speakers:

  • Dr Toni Hazell, Portfolio GP
  • Dr Sara McNeillis, Clinical Lead for Sleep Service, Royal National ENT and ED Hospital
  • Dr Hugh Selsick, Insomnia & Behavioural Sleep Medicine Clinic, UCLH and Sleep Disorder Centre Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital

This webinar is funded by:

Jazz Pharmaceuticals has funded the meeting and had oversight of speakers and topics for inclusion on the agenda, whereas the content has been developed independently by the RCGP and the speakers.