This two-part online course is aimed at GP Trainees and GPs new to out of hours, working towards their urgent and unscheduled care competencies and GPs wanting to start or return to out of hours work. Each session will last just over four hours providing an overview of key knowledge and skills required to undertake out of hours work. Delegates must sign up to both sessions separately (Saturday 9 September 2023, 09:00 – 13:25 and Saturday 16 September 2023, 09:00 – 13:25) to complete the course, however each part can be undertaken as a stand-alone session. This course is very interactive and delegates are encouraged to keep their cameras on and ask questions throughout.

This course will explore some of the differences between out of hours work and daytime general practice, including remote assessment, decision-making, lack of continuity of care and limited access to the electronic medical record.

In part 1, we will focus on:

  1. Emergency work
  2. Safeguarding
  3. Complaints and personal safety
  4. Sepsis/COVID-19
  5. Ethical dilemma
  6. Organisational aspects

Learning Objectives:

  1. Review the latest emergency guidelines and how they apply to the out of hours setting
  2. Understand how emergencies might present, and early recognition and management
  3. Raise awareness of adult and child safeguarding policies
  4. Understand how safeguarding issues present in the out of hours setting
  5. How to make a safeguarding referral
  6. Understanding out of hours risks and examples of complaints
  7. Techniques to mitigate risk
  8. How to optimise your personal safety and safety of your colleagues
  9. Infection control and safety guidelines
  10. Update on current sepsis and COVID-19 management in OOH’s
  11. Decision-making tools in patient assessment including remote assessment, NEWS2, arranging safe conveyance, ambulance call categorisation and prehospital sepsis management
  12. Consider examples of complex presentations and develop decision-making strategies to support patient care
  13. Understand the GP’s role and limitations dealing with ethically complex presentations
  14. Overview of the out of hours care structure and the role of 111
  15. Understand the risks of operating across a large geographical base
  16. Note keeping skills in the out of hours electronic medical record


AiT:                         £90.00
RCGP Members:   £120.00
Non Members:     £180.00

Part 2 of the Effective out of hours training course will take place on Saturday 16 September, 09:00 – 13:25. The session will cover laboratory results, palliative care, telephone triage, sepsis, mental health and challenging situations. To register for part 2, please click here.