The UK government has committed to ending HIV transmissions in the UK by 2030. A fundamental component of the work to achieve this is the fact that HIV treatment is also prevention. “Can’t Pass It On” and “Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U)” describe the fact that people living with HIV who are on effective treatment cannot pass the virus on to their sexual partners. U=U is a game changing message that has revolutionised how we talk about HIV. It helps to dismantle HIV stigma; it promotes HIV testing, it encourages treatment and engagement in care and it has the potential to transform the reproductive, sexual, social and personal lives of people living with HIV.
This free online webinar featuring experts in the field, as well as a panel of people living with HIV, will enable you to both understand the evidence supporting this message and confidently discuss this in practice with patients and colleagues.
Learning Objectives
• Learn about the evidence behind Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U)
• Understand from a patient’s perspective how to convey the U=U message to your patients.
• Understand the impact of U=U on people living with HIV
• Know how and when to raise U=U with your patients.
• Know how to talk about U=U to patients coming in for an HIV test
• Know why U=U is a game changer in the fight against HIV around the world.
• Have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about U=U/Can’t Pass It On to our panel of experts
Webinar Chair:
Dr Toni Hazell, Portfolio GP
Webinar Speakers:
- Professor Alison Rodger, Professor of Infectious Diseases and HIV at University College London
- Dr Melissa Gardner, GP and Director of the social enterprise Sexual Health in Practice (SHIP)
- Bruce Richman, Founding Executive Director of the Prevention Access Campaign which launched the U=U movement
- Dr Michael Brady, Medical Director at Terrence Higgins Trust
The event is free to attend and you must register to reserve your place.
The event is sponsored by Terrence Higgins Trust